Sunday, March 26, 2006

Does it get any more Irish?

I spent most of today strolling around Dublin, looking at lots of churches and generally getting wet in the rain. I then made my way to the Guinness brewery, and sampled some of the local product. On the way back to the hostel, I went past "The Lord Edward", an Irish pub that pretty much takes the cake for the "definitive" Irish pub. Finally, a couple more pints later, I stopped in at an Internet cafe for a quick check of my email. I sit down, and start typing, and they start playing The Proclaimers!

Does it get more Irish? I'm struggling to think of anything that I could add to this scene. Except maybe either Bono or a leprechaun...

"I'm on my way, from misery to happiness indeed...
ah-ha. AH-HA. ah-ha! AH-HA! Yeah...."

Oop, I just think I saw that leprechaun...